A customizable location-based mobile learning prototype : a case of study

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Lliteras, Alejandra Beatriz
Otros autores o Colaboradores: Gordillo, Silvia Ethel, Dal Bianco, Pedro A., Mozzon Corporaal, Federico R.
Formato: Capítulo de libro
Acceso en línea:http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/LACLO.2018.00040
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Resumen:This paper presents a customizable location-based mobile learning prototype called Resuelvo Explorando. The prototype considers the concepts of scaffolding, formative feedback and data collection in order to perform learning analytics. This paper also proposes an adaptation of an educational modelling approach that is implemented by the prototype. Resuelvo Explorando is customized through two elements: a JSON configuration file and a set of images to assist the student during their movement in a physical space of use. Finally, a case of study of a prototype's customization is presented based on the design of an educational location-based experience, carried out by a multidisciplinary team, in order to obtain a location-based mobile learning application.
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