Prosody and evidentiality : about how some international features pertain the roots of discourse in the Spanish of Buenos Aires

Detalles Bibliográficos
Publicado en: International Pragmatics Association (IPrA) (15 : 2017 : Belfast) - [Actas] - .
Autor Principal: Caldiz, Adriana
Formato: Documento de evento
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Resumen:From a dialogical perspective of polyphony and argumentation -Enfoque dialógico de la argumentación y la polifonía enunciativca (EDAP)-, evidentiality is defined as the staging of viewpoints that orient interpreters towards the appreciation and consideration of the discursive frame which triggers off the act of enunciation (García Negroni, 2016a y b; García Negroni y Libenson, 2016). Such discursive frame unveils the locutor's stance and boosts the interlocutor's interpretation. Based on a corpus of colloquial spontaneous Buenos Aires Spanish, the present study focuses on the prosodic marking of evidentiality. I will concentrate on the quotative role of the circumflex pitch contour in order to explore the evidential function it may serve. I propose that the circumflex tone pertains evidential meanings that are compatible with the discursive frames: "you know x however you ask x again", "you know x, however, you ask about x", "you say you do not know x, however, you know x", "you say x, however, x is well known". I posit that this intonational feature may itself unveil self's argumentative stance and the polyphonic bearing of its utterances, and it may simultaneously stimulate other's interpretation. In fact, through the study of this phonological mark, I seek to demonstrate that, contrary to traditional definitions - which relate evidentiality to the way speakers have acquired the knowledge they enunciate- evidential POVs should be seen as discursive marks that are necessarily associated to discursive frames that trigger off a reaction on the part of the locutor and stimulate/enhances the interlocutor's interpretation.