Envejecimiento saludable : El tiempo libre de las personas adultas

Detalles Bibliográficos
Publicado en: Congreso Argentino de Educación Física y Ciencias (10 : 2013 : La Plata) - [Actas] - . La Plata : UNLP. FAHCE. Departamento de Educación Física, 2013
Autor Principal: Correa, José Luis
Formato: Documento de evento
Acceso en línea:https://www.memoria.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/trab_eventos/ev.3247/ev.3247.pdf
Resumen:El trabajo que aquí se presenta surge de la necesidad de conceptualizar y profundizar sobre el uso productivo del tiempo libre de las personas adultas mayores. Se llevará a cabo una aproximación teórica sobre las diferentes concepciones de tiempo libre y ocio como dimensiones interdisciplinarias que involucran elementos referidos al entorno en donde personas y comunidades buscan integrarse en un tiempo y espacio determinado
The work presented here stems from the need to conceptualize and investigate the productive use of older adults-free time. So how will carry out a theoretical approach on the different conceptions of free time and leisure as interdisciplinary dimensions involving elements referred to the environment where people and communities seek to integrate in a time and space given. Leisure time is used performing different types of activities, from the picking, hunting and fishing in the past, to the use of technology today; such is the use of ICT (technology, information and communication). In this respect the elderly is faced new challenges for which society must generate attitudinal changes and cultural. Access to social welfare programs, should facilitate the participation of all older adults, thus guaranteeing the promotion of healthy habits in their free time. The technological advances, in preventive medicine, for example, are producing not only increase in life expectancy, but also more likely to live better and better conditions (Fernandez Lópiz 1996.) If we consider the above by Lópiz, currently, not only older adults live longer, they also make it better. It is required then an integrated effort of all those professionals who are involved with the population of older adults. Doctors, gerontologists, educators, psychologists, social workers, professional of physical education, sociologists, among others
Notas:Congreso Argentino realizado junto con el 5to Congreso Latinoamericano de Educación Física y Ciencias.