High-Speed Aerodynamics /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Sibert, Harold W.
Formato: Libro
Datos de publicación: New York : Prentice-Hall, 1948.
Series:Prentice-Hall Aeronautical Engineering Series
Resumen:Fundamental relations - Thermodynamical relations - Energy, Bernoulli, and Euler equations - Entropy and isentropic flow - Speed of sound - Mach number - Dynamic and impact pressures - Pressure coefficients - Critical conditions - Standard atmosphere - Altimeter, airspeed indicator, machmeter, and true airspeed meter - Determination of position error - True, indicated, calibrated, and equivalent airspeeds - Aerodynamic heating - Reversible adiabatic flow within a stream-tube - One-dimensional flow in a wind tunnel or nozzle - Partial-derivative equations for compressible flow - Disturbance potential - Ackeret supersonic theory - Flow through a shock wave - Normal shock wave - Supersonic flow past a wedge - Two-dimensional supersonic flow around a corner - Buseman parabolic formula - Supersonic flow past a cone - Adverse effects of high airplane mach numbers - Swept wings and wings of low aspect ratio - Determination of high-speed aerodynamic data - Wing drag from a wake survey - Tables and charts.
Descripción Física:280 p.