Physical chemistry of foods /

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor Principal: Schwartzberg, Henry G. (ed.)
Otros autores o Colaboradores: Hartel, Richard W. (ed.)
Formato: Libro
Datos de publicación: New York : Marcel Dekker, 1992.
Series:Basic symposium ; 7
Resumen:Thermodynamics and vapor-liquid equilibria - Solid-liquid equilibrium: crystallization in fooods - Glass transitions in foods - Surface thermodynamics, protein adsorption and biofilm development - Gels and gelling - Emulsions - Generation of engineered structures in gels - Physicochemical aspects of muscle tissue behavior - Physical chemistry of bread dough - Physical and chemical properties of nutrients affectin therir absorption and utilization - The transduction of taste and olfactory stimuli - Disintegration and segregatio kinetics of dry food particulates - Mechanistic basis of rheological behavior of foods - The kinetics of nonenzymatic browning - Kinetics of lipid oxidation - Physical consequences of thermal reactions in food protein systems.
Descripción Física:747