Resultados de búsqueda - Smithsonian Institution
Anew variety of the hexactinellid sponge rhabdocalyptus dawsoni ( lambe) and the species of rhabdocalyptus /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1930.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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A new species of insect of the order protura /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1952.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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A new crayfish from Alabama, with notes on procambarus lecontei (hagen) /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1952.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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A new genus of central american milliped (family euryuridae), with notes on the american genera /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1951.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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A study of an intermediate snail host (thiara granifera) of the oriental lung fluke (paragonimus) /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1952.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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Mammals of northern Colombia, preliminary report n° 7: tapirs (genus tapirus), with a systematic review of american species /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1954.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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North American triclad turbellaria, XIII: three new cave planarians /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1954.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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Review of the atlantic periwinkles, nodilittorina, echininus, and tectarius /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1954.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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The external morphology of the dragonfly onychogomphus ardens needham /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1953.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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Notes on the biology and immature stages of a cricket parasite of the genus rhopalosoma /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1953.“…Smithsonian Institution,…”
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Distribution, general bionomics, and recognition characters of two cockroaches recently esblished in the united states /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution ;“…Smithsonian Institution ;…”
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The quality of man's environment
United States : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1968.“…Smithsonian Institution Press,…”
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The Peoples and Cultures of Ancient Peru /
Washington : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1974.“…Smithsonian Institution Press,…”
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The natural-history background of camouflage
Washington : Smithsonian institution symposium, 1942.“…Smithsonian institution symposium,…”
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Tanning in the United States to 1850 : a brief history
Washington : Smithsonian Institution. Museum of history and technology, 1964.“…Smithsonian Institution. Museum of history and technology,…”
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Exposed and developed; photography sponsored by the National Edowment fot the arts
Washington : National Museum of American Art ; Smithsonian Institution, 1984.“…National Museum of American Art ; Smithsonian Institution,…”
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Biodiversidad, conservación y manejo en la region de la resenva de la biosfera Estación Biológica del Beni, Bolivia
Washintong : Smithsonian Institution ; UNESCO. Comité Académico Aguas, 2000.“…Smithsonian Institution ; UNESCO. Comité Académico Aguas,…”
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