Resultados de búsqueda - Iron & Steel Institute
The solidification of metals.
London : The Iron and Steel Institute, s.f..“…The Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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Refractoires production and propierties
London : Iron and Steel Institute, 1973.“…Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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Pilot plants in the iron and steel industry: papers and discussions from the technical sessions at the Iron and Steel Institute Autumn General Meeting held in London on 30 November...
London, Iron & Steel Institute [1966]“…Iron & Steel Institute…”
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Structural processes in creep; : report of a symposium organized by the Iron and Steel Institute and the Institute of Metals, London, 3 and 4 May 1961.
[London] Iron and Steel Institute [1961]“…Iron and Steel Institute…”
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National steel specifications. [Report of the proceedings of the annual general meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute.
London, Iron and Steel Institute. c1964]“…Iron and Steel Institute.…”
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Energy management in iron and steelworks : papers and discussions from the meeting of the iron and steel Engineers Group of the iron and steel Institute held at the Imperial Colleg...
London, Iron & Steel Institute, 1968.“…Iron & Steel Institute,…”
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Fracture toughness : This book is developed from a series of lectures on the teory of fracture toughness and its measurement, first given at a Residential Course on the Fracture To...
London, Iron & Steel Institute [1969]“…Iron & Steel Institute…”
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Structural processes in creep : Special Report, no. 70 /
London : The Iron and Steel Institute, 1961.“…The Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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Heat treatment of metals /
Londres : Iron And Steel Institute, 1965“…Iron And Steel Institute,…”
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Tribology in iron and steel works: proceedings of the conference on 'Tribology in iron and steel works';
London, Iron and Steel Institute, 1970.“…Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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Commentary on the 1968 edition of the specification for the design of cold-formed steel structural members
New York US : American Iron and Steel Institute, 1970.“…American Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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Plastic design of braced multistory steel frames
New York : American Iron and Steel Institute, 1968.“…American Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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Design manual for structural tubing
New York : American Iron and Steel Institute, 1974.“…American Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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The Venezuela earthquake July b29, 1967
New York : American Iron and Steel Institute, 1969.“…American Iron and Steel Institute,…”
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Commentary on the 1968 Editin of the Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members
New York : American iron and steel institute, 1970.“…American iron and steel institute,…”
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