Resultados de búsqueda - Gordon & Breach

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  1. 1

    Les fondements de la mécanique céleste por Thiry, Ives

    Paris: Gordon & Breach 1970
    “…Gordon & Breach…”
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  2. 2

    Le methode des hauteurs egales en astronomie por Debarbat, Suzanne

    Paris: Gordon and Breach 1970
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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  3. 3

    AStrophysics of black holes por Novikov, Igor D.

    New York: [Gordon & Breach] 1973
    “…[Gordon & Breach]…”
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  4. 4

    Infrared astronomy

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1968
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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    Neutrino astrophysics por Chiu, Hong-Yee

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1965
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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    Principles of stellar structure por Cox, John P.

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1968
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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    Evolution stellaire et nucleosynthese por Reeves, Hubert

    Paris: Gordon and Breach 1968
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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  8. 8

    Stellar and planetary magnetism por Soward, A.M

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1983
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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    Planetary nebulae por Gurzadyan, G.A

    New York: Gordon & Breach 1969
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  10. 10

    Differential Rotation and Stellar Convection : Sun and Solar-Type Stars por Rudiger, Gunther

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1989
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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  11. 11

    Propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasma por Ginzburg, V.L

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1961
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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  12. 12

    Introduction a la spectroscopie del plasma por Pecker-Wimel, Charlotte

    Paris: Gordon & Breach 1967
    “…Gordon & Breach…”
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  13. 13

    Introduction to the space science por Hess, Wilmot N.

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1968
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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    Planetary Electrodynamics por Coroniti, Samuel C

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1969
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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  15. 15

    Planetary Electrodynamics por Coronoti, Samuel C.

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1969
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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  16. 16

    The origin of cosmic rays por Ginzburg, V.L

    New York: Gordon and Breach 1969
    “…Gordon and Breach…”
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    Many-Particle Theory and its Application to Plasma por Vlasov, A, A.

    New York : Gordon and Breach, 1960.
    “…Gordon and Breach,…”
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    Statistical Strenght Theory. por Volkov, S. D.

    New York : Gordon and Breach, 1962.
    “…Gordon and Breach,…”
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    Anisotropic plates por Lekhnitskii, S. G.

    New York : Gordon and Breach, 1987.
    “…Gordon and Breach,…”
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    An introduction to combustion por Strahle, Warren C.

    Gordon & Breach, 1993.
    “…Gordon & Breach,…”