Resultados de búsqueda - D.Appleton
America learns to play : A history of popular recreation 1607-1940
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1940.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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Observations on military law and the constitution and practice of courts martial
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1869.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1870.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1864.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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Manual de enseñanza objetiva ó Instrucción elemental para padres y maestros
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1886.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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The law student, or guides ot the study of the law in its principles
New York : D. Appleton & co., 1850.“…D. Appleton & co.,…”
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Nociones de economía política
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1895.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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A critical history of free thought in reference to the Christian religion
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1864.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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La fe de nuestros padres
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1903.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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The origin and development of religious belief
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1871.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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Anatomia, fisiologia e higiene de Appleton
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1908.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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El hombre sin patria
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1918.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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The Laughing Girl
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1920.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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The Origin of the Fittest : Essays on Evolution
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1887.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1870.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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Psychology general and applied
New York : D. Appleton & co., 1914.“…D. Appleton & co.,…”
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Ambas Américas : Contrastes
Nueva York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1872.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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Nuestro gobierno de Appleton : Lecciones elementales de cívica y moral social
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1906.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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The government of the United States
New York : D. Appleton & Cy., 1909.“…D. Appleton & Cy.,…”
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