Resultados de búsqueda - Academy of Sciences
Critical shear stress and incongruent shear in plastic deformation
New Haven : Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1951.“…Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences,…”
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Figure and Dynamics of the Earth, Moon and Planets
Prague: Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 1987“…Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences…”
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Figure and Dynamics of the Earth, Moon and Planets
Prague: Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences 1987“…Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences…”
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Non Stablehenomena in Galaxies
Yerevan: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia 1968“…Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of Armenia…”
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Lake conservation and management : Proceedings
China : Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, 1990.“…Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,…”
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H.C.Orsted's Theory of Force : an unpublisehd textbook in dynamical chemistry
Dinamarca : The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2003.“…The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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John Buridan and beyond : Topics in the language sciences 1300-1700
Copenhagen, Dinamarca : Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2004.“…Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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Iron and steel in ancient times /
Copenhagen : Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2005.“…Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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The imaginary Polis
Copenhagen : Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2005.“…Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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Ion beam science : solved and unsllved problems /
Copenhagen : The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 2006.“…The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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Matematisk - Fysiske Meadelelser
The Royal Daüsh Academy of Sciences and Letters“…The Royal Daüsh Academy of Sciences and Letters…”
Desconocido -
Acta polytechnica Scandinavica : Civil engineering and building construction series.
Stockholm : The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.“…The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.…”
Desconocido -
Everybody talks about it...
Copenhagen : Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1997.“…Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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Magnetism in metals
Copenhagen : Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1996.“…Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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A dictionary of anglicisms in danish /
Copenhagen : The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 1997.“…The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters,…”
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Ejection and Accretin of Matter in Binary Systems
Bratislava: VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences 1982“…VEDA Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences…”
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Antartica in the international geophysical year : Based on a symposium on the Antartic
Baltimore: American Geophysical Union of the National Academy of Sciences 1956“…American Geophysical Union of the National Academy of Sciences…”
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High research board Bulletin
Washington : National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council.“…National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council.…”