Resultados de búsqueda - "The Modern library"
The Best short stories /
New York : The Random house, 1945?.“…The Modern library…”
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The Garden Party /
New York : Random House, 1922.“…The Modern library…”
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A Tale of Two Cities
New York : The Modern Library ;“…The Modern library…”
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Capital : A Critique of political economy
New York : Random House, 19--.“…The Modern library…”
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Intelligence in the Modern World : John Dewey`s Philosophy /
New York : Modern Library, 1939.“…Modern Library giants ;…”
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Leaves of Grass and Selected Prose /
New York : The Modern Library, 1950.“…Modern Library College ;…”
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Selected Poetry /
New York : The Modern Library, 1950.“…Modern Library College Editions…”
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Complete Poetry and Selected Prose /
New York : The Modern Library, 1950.“…Modern Library College Editions ;…”
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A Carlyle reader : Selections from the writings /
Los Angeles : University of California, 1969.“…Modern library college editions…”
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The Shakespearean moment : And its place in the poetry of the 17th century /
New York : Random House, 1960.“…A modern library paperback…”
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The Life and writings of Abraham Lincoln /
New York : The Modern Library, 1940.“…A Modern library giant ;…”
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Vanity fair : A Novel without a hero /
New York : Modern Library, c1950.“…The Modern Library College Etitions…”
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The Poems and plays of Robert Browning /
New York : The Modern Library, 1934.“…The Modern library of the world's best books…”
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The poems /
New York : Random House, [19--?]“…The modern library of the world's best books…”
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The Red Badge of Courage : An Episode of the American Civil War /
New York : The Modern Library, 1951.“…The Modern Library of the World's Best Books ;…”
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Diana of the crossways /
New York : Modern Library, [1931?]“…Modern library of the world's best books…”
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The Canterbury tales /
New York : The Modern Library, 1957.“…The Modern library of the world's best books ;…”
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Absalom, Absalom! /
New York : The Modern library, 1964.“…The Modern library books of the World's best books ;…”
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