Resultados de búsqueda - "Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections"
Structure and function of the genitalia in some american agelenid spiders
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1953.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Revision of Some Recent Foraminiferal Genera
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1955.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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A Revision of Some Glanduline Nodosariidddae (foraminifera)
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1955.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Revision of the flea genus Peromyscopsylla
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1954.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections…”
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Morphology and Taxonomy of the Foraminiferal Genus Pararotalia le Calvez, 1949
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1957.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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A review of thegenus hoplomys (thick-spined rats), with description of a new form from Isla Escudo de Veraguas, Panama
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1959.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections…”
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The anatomy of the labrador duck, camptorhynchus labradorius (gmelin). With five plates
Washington : Smithsonian Institution, 1958.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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The Foraminiferal Genus Triplasia Reuss, 1854
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1952.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Remains of Land Mammals from the Miocene of the Chesapeake Bay Region
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1950.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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The Lower Eocene Knight Formation of Western Wyoming and its Mammalian Faunas
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1952.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Geology of the San Jon site, Esastern New Mexico by Sheldon Judson
Washington D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1953.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Geologycal Background of the Iyatayet Archeological Site, cape denbigh, Alaska
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1953.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Early cenozoic vertebrates in the red conglomerate at Guanajato, México
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1955.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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The Upper Paleocene Mammalia from the Almy Formation in Western Wyoming
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1956.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Paleocene Mammalian Faunas of the Bison Basin South-Central Wyoming
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1956.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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The Geology and Vertebrete Paleontology of Upper Eocene Dtrata in the Northeasterb Part of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming
Washington, D.C : Smithsonian Institution, 1956.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Leading Operations of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1895 to 1955
Washington, D. C : Smithsonian Institution, 1955.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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The past climate of the north polar region
Washington, D. C : Smithsonian Institution, 1930.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections…”
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Permian fauna at el antimonio, western sonora, Mexico
Washington, D. C : Smithsonian Institution, 1953.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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Chazyan and related brachiopods
Washington, D. C : Smithsonian Institution, 1956.“…Smithsonian Miscellaneous Colections ;…”
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