Resultados de búsqueda - "Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;"
Spanish Moss and Some Aspects of its Commercial Possibilities
Florida : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1954.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Atomic Energy : its Role in Florida's Future
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1954.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Asphalt Composition and Properties
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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A Process Industry Profits through Engineering
Florida : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1953.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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The Ogiver-a Radio Noise Meter
Florida : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1953.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Magnetic Weihing and Gas-Density Balances
Gainesville : University of Florida, 1953.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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A Versatile, Low-Cost Laboratory Shaker
Florida : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1955.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Managed or Mismanaged
Florida : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1953.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Bubble Cap and Sieve Tower Sizing as Function of Permissible Pressure Drop
Florida : Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Radio Reciver Counts Lightning Strokes
Florida : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1954.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Horizons in Engineering
Gainesville : University of Florida, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Specialty Board Certification for Sanitary Engineers
Florida : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Hydraulic Drop as a Function of Velocity Distribution
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1955.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Prestressed Concrete Desing
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1955.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Atmospheric Cooling Tower Performance in Florida
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1955.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of Low-Velocity H-ions in Hydrogen I/II
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida…”
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Ultimate Strenght of Slender Prestressed Concrete Columns
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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Curing Methods and Duration Studies of Pretensioned Units: Proyect 5531, Part 1.
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1956.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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A Lightning Stroke Counter
Gainesville, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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The Subcritical Reactor at the University of Florida
Gainesville : Florida Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station, 1957.“…Engineering Progress at the University of Florida ;…”
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