Resultados de búsqueda - Trilling, Lionel

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    Victorian prose and poetry / por Trilling, Lionel

    New York : Oxford University, 1973.
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    Matthew Arnold por Trilling, Lionel

    New York : Meridian Books, 1955.
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    The unpossessed / por Slesinger, Tess

    New York : Avon, 1966.
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    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn / por Twain, Mark

    New York : Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961.
    Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Trilling, Lionel…”
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    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn por Mark Twain

    New York : Rinehart and Winston, 1961.
    Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Trilling, Lionel…”
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    Modern american usage : A Guide / por Follett, Wilson

    New York : Hill & Wang, 1966.
    Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Trilling, Lionel…”
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    From Blake to Byron /

    London : Penguin Books, 1970.
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    Edith Wharton : A collection of critical essays /

    Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, 1962.
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    Hemingway and his Critics : An International Anthology /

    New York : Hill and Wang, 1961.
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    F. Scott Fitzgerald : A Collection of critical essays /

    Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, 1963.
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    The Best short stories of the modern age /

    New York : Fawcett, 1966.
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    Modern British Fiction /

    Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1969.
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