Resultados de búsqueda - Spiller, Robert E.
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The cycle of american literature : An Essay in Historical Criticism / por Spiller, Robert E.
New York : The Macmillan Company, 1955.Consultar en el Cátalogo
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Literary History of the United States /
New York : Macmillan, 1948.Otros autores o Colaboradores: Consultar en el Cátalogo
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The Aims and methods of scholarship in modern languages and literatures /
New York : Modern Language Association of America, 1963.Otros autores o Colaboradores: Consultar en el Cátalogo
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Tiempo de cosecha : La literatura norteamericana, 1910-1960 /
Buenos Aires : Nova, 1968.Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Spiller, Robert E.…”
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A Time of Harvest : American Literature 1910-1960 /
New York : Hill and Wang, 1962.Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Spiller, Robert E.…”
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