Resultados de búsqueda - International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco
- Mostrando 1 - 14 Resultados de 14
The Study of Unemployment : Remarks Based on Unemployment Reserach in 19th Century Denmark / por Jansen, Christian R.
[S.l.] : Cish Aha, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Revolution and Reform in the West European Parties of the Second International / por Jemnitz, Janos
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Democratic Aims and Purposes in the Activities of Communist Parties / por Bagramov, E. A.
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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The Problem of Democracy and the Lower Middle Classes in the First Third of the 20th Century : Some Results and Perspectives of Research / por Kocka, Jurgen
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Der Limes und Die Provinzen / por Mócsy, A.
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Urbanisation Als Phanomen Der Antike / por Vittinghoff, F.
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Contact and Conflict between the Medieval Europe and the Orient : [10th-15th Centuries] / por Cesar, Jaroslav
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Les Problèmes du Leadership dans les Partis Politiques de l'Europe Occidentale au XXème Siècle / por Ruffieux, Roland
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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The Red and the Black : Socialist and Christian Labor Organization in Western Europe / por Lorwin, Val R.
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Main Characteres of Feudalism of the Nomads / por Natsagdorj, Sh
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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The first Industrial Revolution and Problems of Asynchronism in Social Development / por Pietrzak-Pawlowska, Irena
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Die Begegnung der Zivilisationen in Europa um 1300 / por Stickler, Alfons M.
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Optimism and Pessimism in the Discussion of the Standard of Living During the Industrial Revolution in Britain / por Elster, Jon
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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Revolution / por Hobsbawm, E.J
[S.l.] : CISH AHA, 1975.“…International Congress of Historical Sciences San Francisco…”
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