Resultados de búsqueda - Garrod, H. W.
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Tolstoi's Theory of Art por Garrod, H. W.
Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1935.Consultar en el Cátalogo
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Wordsworth: Lectures and Essay por Garrod, H. W.
Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1939.Consultar en el Cátalogo
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The Profession of Poetry por Garrod, H. W.
Oxford : At the Clarendon press, 1924.Consultar en el Cátalogo
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Poetry & Prose / por Donne, John
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1946.Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Garrod, H.W…”
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Poetical Works / por Keats, John
London : Oxford University, 1970.Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Garrod, H.W…”
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The Poetical works of John Keats / por Keats, John
Oxford : Clarendon, 1958.Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Garrod, H.W…”
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Thebais et Achilleis / por Estacio, Publio Papinio
Oxonii : E typographeo Clarendoniano, 1954.Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Garrod, H.W…”
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Dealings with the firm of Dombey and son : Wholesale, retail, and for exportation / por Dickens, Charles
London : Oxford University, 1953.Otros autores o Colaboradores: “…Garrod, H.W…”
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English Critical Essays : Twentieth century /
London : Geoffrey Cumberlege : Oxford University, 1947.Otros autores o Colaboradores: Consultar en el Cátalogo
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The character of England /
Oxford : Clarendon, 1947.Otros autores o Colaboradores: Consultar en el Cátalogo
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